Published on March 1, 2015. Sorry for the long pause in coming goodies. I do lots of exciting stuff but unfortunately confidential for the moment. It will see the daylight soon though, I hope.
Blog about webdesign and software development. The ng-conf Salt Lake City slides overview. Ng-conf 2015 in Salt Lake City is a conference about all AngularJS related subjects. This post shows all the presenters who have currently shared their slides. All videos are available through the ng-conf 2015 youtube channel. Continue reading The ng-conf Salt Lake City slides overview. The NG-NL Conference Amsterdam slides overview.
Dans Les mystères de Kioshe. Dans Les mystères de Kioshe. Dans Les mystères de Kioshe.
Web Audio Weekly has moved. Creating dub delay effects with the Web Audio API. Interview with Adrian Holovaty of Soundslice. Writing tests for the Web Audio API. Synthesis with the Web Audio API - Envelopes.
Lévénement sest enfin doté dun code de conduite. Lannée dernière son absence a été relevée. Et lorganisation a vaguement promis de sy pencher. Pendant que certains criaient un mélange de ça ne sert à rien et ça va faire fuir les gens voire plus idiot encore. Bien sûr cest moins e.
99 avenue Henri Ginoux
Montrouge, 92120